
Our Library

The Saint Mary MacKillop Library is for the use and benefit of all staff and students at the College.  The Library staff are available to offer assistance throughout the school day until 4.30pm. However, many of the Library’s services can be accessed 24 x 7, including subject support material, eBooks and audio books and subscription databases.

Read and choose your own adventure, and the whole world will be yours, at the end of your fingertips.

— Richard Branson

Our Resources

Library Catalogue
Library Website

Library Spaces

The Library is available as a teaching and learning space, a quiet study and reading area and a place where students can look beyond the shelves.

Beyond the Shelves

Students enjoy a space that provides Makers Space activities, Movie Club and lunchtimes that include board games, UNO, chess and LEGO. On Tuesdays and Fridays students are given the chance to ‘Disconnect to Reconnect’ on our Digital Detox Days.

Digital Archives

Our growing digital archives, containing many historical resources, is helping to bring ¾ÅÉ«ÉçÇø’s rich history to life.