
Educational Programs

¾ÅÉ«ÉçÇø's College caters for students with a wide range of abilities. The Inclusive Learning team is a whole school planning and support mechanism, designed to assist students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of differentiated educational programs. 

All of life is a constant education.

— Eleanor Roosevelt


The Inclusive Learning team supports students who may experience challenges in meeting the curriculum, are high-potential learners requiring extension or acceleration, have a disability or are experiencing social and emotional barriers. Students are supported using a multi-disciplinary model which involves identification, monitoring, intervention and/or support.  

Access to Inclusive Learning services is through a referral process available for teachers, parents or students to self-refer.

For ¾ÅÉ«ÉçÇø to be recognised as a leader of evidence-informed teaching and learning excellence where personalised learning and adjusting for diverse needs is embedded practice.


  • For all students with educational needs to be identified and assisted to become successful learners.
  • To provide skills and strategies and a support network to enhance learning, social and emotional outcomes for identified students.
  • To establish an overall individualised mentoring program framework of support for all students identified with educational needs.
  • To provide teachers with professional support and guidance to implement individualised programs for students identified with educational needs in their classes.

The College coordinates the provision of developmentally appropriate and engaging programs for high-potential, high-achieving or gifted students. This is achieved through various strategies at a whole school, class and extracurricular program level. All teachers develop, design and implement differentiated learning programs with deliberate adjustments to content, process, product and learning environment to meet the specific learning needs of high-potential and gifted students. ¾ÅÉ«ÉçÇø constantly looks for opportunities to provide extensions beyond the classroom curriculum in the individual student’s areas of passion, giftedness and talent. A dedicated Schoolbox page links to competitions, challenges and mentoring opportunities for all students who would benefit from these.

Learning Support
Students who are identified with learning difficulties in Literacy or Numeracy are supported in classroom differentiation and provided opportunities to enrol in Developmental Mathematics or English classes.  ¾ÅÉ«ÉçÇø’s offers Literacy blocks at least once per fortnight, focusing on explicit teaching and learning of reading and writing. Students with high needs in Literacy are offered a 1:1 or 1:3 Intensive Reading Intervention program.  

The College offers free tuition on allocated afternoons with qualified teachers to work on school assigned tasks as well as intervention programs or enrichment experiences.

Inclusive Learning teachers are assigned to students as well to collaboratively develop individual learning goals and personalised learning plans that include Life Skills, Wellbeing and other specific programs to meet their needs.  

The Inclusive Learning team consistently engage with both external agencies and community groups to enrich our College programs.

Additional Support
If a student requires additional support, parents/guardians may contact the Head of Learning - Inclusive Learning for more information by email to Mrs Leonie Smith.